who am i

Mark Todd

Software Engineer

I'm a software engineer working and living in Berlin. Currently developing notary software for the German Federal Chamber of Notaries in Angular & Svelte.

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Featured Projects


Inspired by the retro minesweeper game this is the result of a cooperation in order to learn and teach ourselfs a bit of React and Typescript.



An application that offers a simple way to manage your recipe collection. The Recipebox utilizes localStorage to store your recipe collection. You can add further recipes, edit existing ones and bookmark your favorites.



Based on the kitchen clock which is also used for the pomodoro technique to manage time intervals of 25min work and 5min breaks. This Pomodoro offers an extravagant user interface with efficiency in mind.

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About Me

Me in a nutshell

Hi, I'm Mark! You know what I love most about my portfolio? It's about me. You might think "Who's this self-absorbed guy?". Well, thanks for this question, but I'll answer another question first. Yes, I'm good at what I do and when you love yourself, you can't help but love your craft. I like things functional and minimalistic.

That's me in a nutshell. If you dont like my stuff, build your own playground, but if you enjoyed it and want to know more, just drop me a line.

Some technologies that I really enjoy working with recently are:


Contact Details

Thanks for coming by! Iโ€™m always open for a chat so feel free to contact me.

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ยฉ 2020 Mark Todd
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